Thursday, May 7, 2009

Off to Utila to Identify and Count Fish!


Headed back to Utila, Honduras to identify and count more fish. Working with a great operation down there--Deep Blue Utila . Owner and operator Steve Fox is a f ish watcher's fishwater and runs an outstanding dive operation and one of the most relaxing resorts I've ever been too. Accessible to the only town on the island only by boat you are truly isolated and can really relax. We'll be looking for clingfish, punkblennies, and maybe a whale shark. One interesting possibility is we might see a lionfish. Lionfish are an invasive species from the Pacific that have been spreading from Florida (probably a marine aquarium release) since 1982. This March they were sighted in Turneffe, Belize which is only about 100 miles from Utila as the frigate bird flies. We're taking the daughter along to get her certified as well. Maybe Mary will see a whale shark!!!

Learn more about fish identification here. REEF is an example of citizen science in action-- A Bwana Doc kind of activity--if a lot more peaceful.

Learn more about the lionfish invasion here and here.

We'll be posting on the blog during the week to keep all you Bwana Doccer's up to speed on our activities!

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